$15.00 USD

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the intimate nature, digital format and personal commitment required of this offering, please note that we do not offer refunds.

Pain Dissolution Meditation

Use this guided meditation to dissolve pain and reorient to peace and neutrality in your body--this was created specifically for pain in childbirth, but can be used to tend to pain of any kind in any season.

In Yolande's words (quoted from her book, Portal)--

"Pain is so much more than what this culture of avoidance has taught us that it is. Pain is a message from the body. Pain is a form of primitive wisdom; one of our most profound teachers. Pain is an invitation into various pathways of self-exploration and self-knowing. Pain is an access-point to God. Pain is a teacher and a gift. Pain is real, and pain is also, in so many ways, merely a remnant—a relic."

***For more on the concept of pain dissolution, read Yolande's book, Portal (chapter 12 goes into this topic more extensively) and/or explore an entire module on pain dissolution inside her signature program: Portal.

Once purchased, you will receive an email with a link to download the meditation from Google Drive and listen whenever you'd like. If you have any trouble accessing, or you don't receive an email, please email our team at [email protected] and we'll be able to assist you there.

PLEASE NOTE: You *must* be subscribed to Yolande's emails, OR click the box at checkout that says "Subscribe to our email list." in order to receive the link to download!

***Due to the intimate nature, digital format and personal commitment required of this offering, please note that we do not offer refunds.