HYGEIA: Heal Your Self, Heal Your Children with the Biological Principles of GHF


A two-part, pre-recorded workshop with Yolande Norris-Clark on Self-Healing During Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood using Hamer’s Germanic Healing Framework.

Learn how to activate the self-healing power of our bodies, through the fundamental principles of Ryke Geerd Hamer’s Biological Laws (similar to what is known as Germanic New Medicine, or GNM).

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Are you ready to finally break free from your residual dependency on the medical industrial complex and learn how to implement the most powerful tools for maintaining your children’s vitality, setting them up for lifelong health, and supporting the resolution of dis-ease (in yourself and your kids)?


In this two-part workshop, renowned birth maven, author, and mother of (soon-to-be) 10 children, Yolande Norris-Clark will introduce you to self-healing like you’ve never encountered it before.


This pre-recorded salon (and handful of resources) will give you a foundational understanding of the principles of self-healing, along with the primary tools of this approach and how to immediately apply them to your life and circumstances.

YES! Take me there!!

This is a profoundly effective model for maintaining lifelong wellness; a perspective that will change your understanding not only of health, dis-ease, and recalibration, but will reorient you on the path of confident, fully embodied Motherhood.


Join Yolande Norris-Clark, for an afternoon dedicated to exploring the cognitive software she herself has implemented for the past decade and more, that has allowed her to live and heal entirely outside of the industrial medical realm (while supporting her children in the same) with ease, softness, and power in every context.


If you’re a mother, your children’s wellness is your absolute top priority.


Now more than ever, conscious mothers are actively seeking to disengage from the medical system, not only when it comes to pregnancy and birth, but also in regards to supporting the general health and ongoing wellbeing of our children from babyhood to the teenage years and beyond. 


But while there is so much talk these days of natural health and holistic living, when your child is in anguish, or if you’re pregnant and suffering from uncomfortable symptoms…all bets are off.


There is nothing as frightening for a mother than when her baby has a fever, or when her young child is in pain, distress, struggling with congestion, injury, or when dealing with what might seem like an uncontrollable skin problem or a seeming allergic reaction.


In those situations—exceptional situations— it can be so tempting to reach for the anti-inflammatory, or to fall once again into the familiar pattern of outsourcing one’s authority to professionals.


What if we could break-free from the fixing, seeking, striving cycle of looking for an extrinsic solution to our health issues?


How, as mothers, can we support our children’s optimal healing? How do we acknowledge and leverage our responsibility for establishing the frequency of our homes, and creating an ideal context, atmosphere, and regimen for healing, without getting caught up in guilt or the belief that we are to blame?


What if we had access *within ourselves* to both the root cause and the antidote for childhood dis-eases, everyday ailments, and even more serious conditions that we could tap into and use to facilitate the resolution of healing at any time?


What if we could set ourselves up for optimal wellness and ease during pregnancy and birth, sidestepping the issues that so many women deal with, and apply those principles to early motherhood and onward, giving ourselves and our children untold advantages in this uncertain world?


This IS possible, and it’s possible for each and every one of us.


Once we understand how to behold our symptoms and to listen deeply to the profound and resonant messages of the body, supporting the resolution of our symptoms is simple…though not always easy. The thing is, it can be easy.


HYGIEA will introduce you to the potential for ease in self-healing and the self-healing of our children.

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I’m Yolande Norris-Clark, and over the course of my evolution as a mother of 22 years, throughout which I have intensively studied the principles of self-healing, I have come to know that the body is only ever revealing to us what is true about our choices and our environment, both internal and external.


I was also raised in a household that embraced many “alternative” approaches to health—my mother was many decades ahead of her time.


I walked away almost entirely from the medical industrial complex over 25 years ago (in fact, I have never taken an antibiotic in my life, nor have I given any otc medications or pharmaceuticals to my kids). 


But I still suffered from significant trauma at the hands of medical professionals in the instances that challenged the limits of my mother’s clarity and knowledge. Those experiences had a profound effect on me—which, all told, and in the context of my growing awareness—was immensely positive.


In the year 2000, my first baby was born at home. But despite the fact that I thought I was “empowered” by natural health knowledge and facts, the truth is that I was terrified to have brought my perfect child into a world full of threat and instability.


I had absorbed a colossal amount of information about pesticides, poisons, injections, herbicides, PUFAS, endocrine disruptors, bpa, food additives, dyes, etc., and all the various carcinogens whose names and sources I had memorized by heart.


To be honest, I was the OG paranoid organic mom.


I could not tolerate my child touching plastic, or being in an environment that might be contaminated by EMFs, let alone have anything pass his lips that wasn’t certified biodynamic.


I was so "well-educated" on the topic of natural health and healing (or so I thought), that I ended up paralyzed by my own (supposed) advanced awakening, and I pacified my anxiety with the belief that if only I could better manage and control what my children and I ate, what we inhaled, what we absorbed through the skin, eliminating as many chemicals and poisons as possible, I could ensure that my kids would be healthy.


I was raised to believe in (and understand) terrain theory, and that was a form of liberation indeed, but it wasn’t until I was introduced to the observations and discoveries of Ryke Geerd Hamer in 2005, by my mother, that I found total freedom not only from dis-ease, but from the worries and anxieties I had about my children’s health, and perhaps most importantly, from guilt and shame as an (always) imperfect mother.


Since then, I have found a sense of safety in the world as it is that I never thought possible.


My husband and our kids and I have easily healed multiple conditions (considered serious and chronic within the realm of allopathy) and we are no longer concerned with or controlled by the perception of a toxic world—nor are we dependent on herbs, potions, lotions, or “natural” remedies. The body is always oriented toward calibration, and healing is continuous, if we allow it to be. We eat everything without restrictions and I am no longer see the world as the antagonist to my wellness or that of my kids.

My commitment to sharing what I know to be the keys to health and freedom with every mother is what motivates my work in the world, and I am so delighted to offer this powerful, in-depth, introductory workshop.


Join us to Reclaim and Re-member Your Inherent Healing Power.


Part 1 covers:

  • An introduction to the fundamental principles of self-healing and homeostasis in the context of pregnancy, baby-care, and motherhood.
  • A model for understanding why dis-ease occurs, and how we can minimize the likelihood of getting sick, or having health problems.
  • Why Yolande disagrees with some a couple of key areas of Hamer’s (brilliant) and why her approach to self-healing differs from many GNM teachers and practitioners working today and an articulation of Yolande’s unique approach.


Part 2 covers:

  • The specific and personal process I have developed and use with myself, my children, and my clients, to actually facilitate the completion of our healing cycles (including what constitutes the “antidote,” and why I don’t think it’s always necessary to identify the original “conflict shock”—and what we can do instead.
  • A selection of Case Studies (including how to opt out of morning sickness or “hyperemesis graviadarum,” thoughts on infertility, etc.)
  • Why I am not even remotely concerned about: pesticides, mould, food additives and dyes, gluten, EMFs, toxins, and why I don’t believe these cause dis-ease
  • More on how we as mothers can facilitate (and sometimes unwittingly prohibit) healing in our children, and how the process of individuation unfolds from birth onward (and the connection between this process and conflicts/healing). 
  • How (and why) to find a Germanic Healing practitioner or guide.
Get Instant + Lifetime Access To The Salon Now!

When you register, you’ll also be prompted to create your private login access to the library where you'll find:

  • 2 video AND audio recordings

  • A PDF overview of biological conflicts

  • 2 meditation recordings to support your healing and integration

  • A list of resources including websites pertaining to Hamer and a reading list of books that I have found to be incredibly helpful and insightful

  • A PDF that pertains specifically to my healing resolution PROTOCOL

  • Written transcript of BOTH sessions


Any questions? Email [email protected] and our Team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please note: This bundle does not include access to Yolande. 
For further support, conversation, and integration -- click here to join Yolande in the 'Bauhauswife Birth Circle Community': a private community for women where Yolande personally leads several study sessions each month, on pregnancy, birth, birth-work, self-healing from the perspective of Hamer's Germanic Healing Framework, wild mothering, and so much more.

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