**Formerly and lovingly known as The Bauhauswife Community and the Bauhauswife Birth Circle.

The Mother Well is a place to gather and quench your thirst for intimate connection, healing, and wisdom.



For most women, motherhood isn’t just a desire, or the fulfillment of instinct – it’s the song of our cells.


Motherhood is the highest spiritual calling of our life-stream. 


From the hope and yearning we experience when we open ourselves to conception, to that heady mix of ebullient joy and trepidation upon discovering we’re pregnant for the first (or 10th!) time, to the glorious metamorphosis of gestation, matrescence is a continuum of expansion. 


The cataclysm of birth and the heart-shattering first encounter with our baby is just the beginning of what amounts to a monumental summoning. 


To become a mother is to take on a multitude of roles at once: counselor, seamstress, chef, diplomat, judge, teacher, medicine woman and healer, and so much more. 


Motherhood is the greatest gift and the most awesome responsibility. 


It is within the vortex of our frequency as mothers that our children develop their consciousness, perception, and sense of self. 


Our relationship with our kids is the foundation of their all-encompassing journey to individuation. 


Mothers are powerful, and mothering is the most blessed office and occupation.


Yet, we live in a culture that diminishes motherhood, denigrates it, ridicules it, and promotes the story that motherhood makes us lesser-than—that motherhood is something to be scorned and avoided. 


Motherhood is widely seen as a trap, and an impediment to success. 


This is a lie.


One of the most deceptive narratives in contemporary society is the nefarious story that motherhood is depleting. In truth, conscious, centred mothering—supported mothering—is profoundly nourishing, not just for our children, but for us.


The tragic reality, however, is that most of us:

  • Are misunderstood in our holistic pregnancy and birth choices
  • Lack an aligned freebirth or homebirth community 
  • Are lonely and mothering in the absence of a village 
  • Have few mothering role-models who can mirror healthy practices
  • Are carrying birth-related trauma and unhealed mother-wounds of our own
  • Struggle to navigate the process of supporting our children in their healing cycles
  • Crave a space to share openly without feeling judged
  • Deeply desire guidance, sisterhood, and support
  • Find it increasingly more difficult to access truly alternative (not to mention relevant and wise) information and education online

Welcome to The Mother Well.

I’m Yolande Norris-Clark. Wife and mother of ten babies (all of whom were born at home), I’ve been working with women for over twenty years. I’m a birth witness, a childbirth educator, midwifery teacher, mothering mentor, self-healing guide, and I’m the creator, guide, and anchor of The Mother Well.


As I wrote in my bestselling book, “PORTAL: The Art of Choosing Orgasmic, Pain-Free, Blissful Birth”:


Motherhood is a continuum—an elliptical orbit through time and space, and across ancestral flight paths. We traverse the labyrinth into and out of the spiral with every child, and every micro-stage of each macro-stage has its own crescendo, apex, denouement, resolution, and seeming completion…and then we embark again on the next mission, whether toddlerhood, the teenage years, grandbabies, cronedom, or ascension to the beyond. 


But mothering with ease, resonance, and vitality is also a practical matter—in fact, the spiritual and ineffable can’t ever be separated from the material and the mundane. We mothers determine the cadency and the oscillation of the energy of our homes, and it is our demeanour and essence that is reflected in our children’s behaviour.


If we are not well in mind, body, psyche, and spirit, this will impact our children, and affect our entire family structure, along with being reflected in our homes, our finances, and our relationships.


The Mother Well is a community hub, an educational resource, and an ongoing learning and group coaching container. Membership includes access to all of my past salons and workshops (see the FAQs below for the full list of amazing benefits).


Most notably, The Mother Well is where you can spend time with me directly, ask me direct questions, and join me and guest teachers during weekly connection and coaching calls. 

We mothers are the source, and motherhood is the well.

I have spent my life almost entirely outside of the industrial medical realm, growing, birthing, raising my children, healing my own wounds and dis-eases. 


Over the past decade, I have increasingly found myself responding to the invitation to offer guidance and witnessing to women who, like myself, are on the journey of wild birth, primal mothering, and self-healing. It is the greatest honour to share my passion for decoding the logic of our life-force and our amazing capacity for spontaneous healing. 


Through my long-term study of the work of Hamer’s Sacred Medicine—Germanic Healing Knowledge—I have developed my own framework for nurturing and ministering ourselves through the cycle of repair, which I am passionate about sharing with the world (especially with mothers).

The Mother Well is a gathering place for women of all backgrounds, to share, learn, and grow in power, learn new skills, heal, and find freedom and peace in our sacred role. 


In our live coaching calls (and within the enormous resource library with 300+ hours of video lessons, coaching calls and salons) we frequently discuss topics like:

  • Wild pregnancy
  • Prenatal testing and diagnostics
  • Birth planning
  • Birth complications, variations of normal, and emergencies
  • Infant care
  • Sleep strategies
  • Weaning 
  • Elimination communication and toilet-learning
  • Sibling relationships
  • Family guidance and discipline
  • Sex, marriage, and relationships
  • Homeschooling and unschooling
  • Parenting teens

…and so much more.


The Mother Well is meant to be a homecoming, particularly if you feel like you’re on the fringes—outside of the institution, banished from the family reunion, exiled from academia, and diving into the unknown of self-awareness.


It’s also a community for all you outlaw midwives, blacklisted doulas, and any woman who can sense the cusp of awakening that we’re all verging on, in our lives and families and the wider collective.


In this era of surveillance, alienation, censorship, hyper-medicalization, and technocratic change, it can feel profoundly isolating to be committed to instinct, nature, and the organic pulse of our intrinsic human beingness. 


Come to The Mother Well to be unabashedly yourself, untrammeled by mainstream expectations, requirements for ritualistic wokeness, or medical authoritarianism. 

 Praise for The Mother Well:

(Formerly known as The Bauhauswife Community and The Bauhauswife Birth Circle)


"I love that the membership is a space where if I am navigating something unfamiliar or new in my pregnancy or my mothering journey, I can go to a community of like-minded & non-judgmental women/mothers who have incredible advice. Saves me LOADS of time and fuss and overwhelm compared to googling. I’ve been able to navigate everything with much more ease in my last two years of mothering since being a part of a space like this.”

- Jennifer


“Yo possesses real brilliance, and a totally unique take on self-healing, energy medicine, and true naturopathy. She describes these issues in a way that really sets women free, and reminds us of our power. The way she integrates the topics of pregnancy, birth, mothering and self-healing is incredible.”

- Sarah


“A lot of other memberships I’ve been a part of, have  support coaches or other women leading the calls.. It’s rare you have such real access to the leader/host of the group and that’s what I really love about your space, Yo. I’m able to learn SO MUCH from you all the time - whether it’s live or through recordings.”

- Olivia

What makes The Mother Well different from other online communities?


  • Yo leads WEEKLY village prenatal, mothering, and community calls—giving you direct access to her as your guide in those sessions. She also hosts a special workshop or self-healing call on the last Saturday of every month.
  • There are a plethora of different topics & realms to explore each month — you get to choose your own adventure.
  • Your unique perspective is welcome here—this is not an echo-chamber, or a space where everyone has to think/operate the same way—bring your perspective to the table and know that it’s welcome here (respectfully, of course).
  • Access to a vast library of recordings of past calls and workshops if you missed something.
  • The community forum is always open—ask your questions, share your findings, and stay curious.
  • With the space having grown over the last 4 years, you have the option to SEARCH the forum with keywords and find past discussions that can enrich and support you in your life and mothering now.
Join Now - Monthly Subscription
Join Now - Yearly Subscription



Meet the rest of the team here to support you and your experience inside The Mother Well...

I'm Isabel Greiner.

Resident Coach


I’m here to sound the depths, to illuminate beauty, and to shift our collective focus onto the invisible interlacing web of relationships between.

I spin at a wheel braced by many spokes, which include: sovereign birth, motherhood, material culture and art history, theology, homemaking, the intergenerational family lineage, and the physiology all life forms share.

I teach surrendering to our unique position in our family organism (granddaughter, daughter, sister, wife, daughter-in-law, mother, and on), and I love to witness women flourish in the wake of bone-deep acceptance of her intergenerational, human, female incarnation.

In 2022 before giving birth to my second son, I embarked on a year-long mentorship with Yolande and in 2023 I completed the RBK School. It was also her being my midwife, but it was so many rich things all at once. Now, I'm hosting a monthly group session inside The Mother Well, alternating between "family healing" and "birth story witnessing circles."



I'm Amanda Rush.

Community Coordinator


I live in the rural Midwest, USA, with my husband and our four children. Alongside homeschooling my children, I work as a virtual assistant and teaches yoga classes in my community. Always a voracious student of life, I spend my spare time diving deep into learning about birth, motherhood, spirituality, energy work, and self-healing - this space couldn't be more aligned for me and my family.

I've always adored Yolande’s work and community (which led me to the freebirth of my fourth baby), and I'm deeply honored to be able to serve you as The Mother Well Community Coordinator. If you have any financial, logistical, or technical questions at all - I can always be reached at [email protected] and you can tag me in The Mother Well Mighty Networks space if you need anything there as well. I look forward to seeing you on the calls!



Frequently Asked Questions:Â