Speaking Truth with Confidence

A 2-hour, pre-recorded Salon where you'll learn how to unlock your unique voice, and the fruits that flow from the practice of speaking Truth with audacious and courageous conviction.

What does it mean to have a Voice? To Use Your Voice? To Claim the Power of The Word, and to express your convictions with confidence?

Speaking what we know to be true with authority is
one of the foremost tools we have at our disposal with which to

* nurture prosperity,

* establish & maintain boundaries,

* nourish (or dissolve) relationships,

* invoke peace, and

* create and claim rightful authentic power in our lives.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're a member of the Bauhauswife Community (my private monthly membership), this replay is included in the membership library.


I’m Yolande Norris-Clark. You might know me as a writer and the author of “PORTAL: The Art of Choosing Orgasmic, Pain-Free Blissful Birth,” or as a midwifery teacher and freebirth maven, a medical heretic, a mothering mentor, a self-healing guide, or a podcaster.

Many people came into my circle in 2020, when my “Rona Diaries” videos on Instagram and Youtube reached hundreds of thousands of viewers.

But what I really do (and have been doing since approximately 1983) is say the un-sayable, utter the heretical, declare the dissenting, and weave words together (in a multitude of ways, across myriad platforms) that galvanize, hearten, inspire, and sometimes outrage, with dauntless dynamism.

This does come naturally to me, yes. And no, not everyone is destined to be a professional spellbreaker. But everyone is designed to offer and contribute their voice in a way that is reflective of their essence and frequency. And we can learn to proclaim the truth in congruity with our purpose, our mission, and our conviction.

Yet one of the most common questions I receive from my readers and followers, is How can I learn to communicate with conviction…even amidst the haters, the censors, the divisiveness, and at risk of the judgement of others? How do I too, speak my truth with confidence?

During this 2-hour, pre-recorded salon, I discuss specific strategies, tools, and perspectives that will allow you to do just that—Speaking Truth with Confidence—in order to unlock your unique voice, and the fruits that flow from the practice of audacious, courageous, conviction.

At a time when censorship and censoriousness are increasing exponentially along with an undeniable streak of collective self-indulgence, and degeneracy, Speaking the Truth is so much more than rhetoric and oratory.

What is Truth, after all?

How do we discern The Truth (and does such a thing exist)?

And how do we navigate (and share) our understanding of Truth in the context of parenting, marriage, extended family, not to mention in a professional sense and within our communities.

How we stand as examples for our children of women (and men) who speak truth to (and with) power and persuasion, from a basis of moral groundedness, especially in the age of information overload, AI, mock-robot sentience, mimesis, and plagiarism. (Hint: Your unique voice and your soul are more important now than ever!)

Especially for women and mothers, the question of how (and when) to Speak Up, is a topic that bridges our private lives with our public personaes, linking the intimacy of mothering with the worlds of business, social media, and politics, and defining both our boundaries and our sphere (and reach) of influence.


This informal salon explores:

  • What truth is, objective truth vs. subjective truth, etc.
  • How to speak, and own, your truth with confidence
  • How to establish a framework for discerning what is actually true
  • My own relationship with the control of information and censorship, plus how my perspective of all of this has shifted from where I was in the days of Rona to where I am now
  • The way that I communicate with the world and the tension between inspiration and the authoritarian control of information
  • Honouring, playing with, and even nurturing the contrarian streak we all possess
  • How I deal with “the trolls,” being misunderstood, rejection, and negative feedback—and the role, I believe, we play in creating much of this—and therefore the role we play in being able to opt out of it ;)
  • The importance of energetic hygiene and boundaries and how to practice these
  • Ego, shame, and the temptation to rescue those around us
  • The difference between what’s actually your business and what isn’t
  • How to change your mind—publicly—and navigate the backlash that comes with that (because we’re all always growing and evolving)

My intention is for you to leave this Salon with more confidence in your right to speak your mind and share your perspectives wherever you feel called to, and to be able to actually SAY the thing you want to say without doubting it or fearing The Worst. (And we’ll explore The Worst as well…Don’t worry. It’s probably not at as bad as you thought ;) ).



 Any questions? Email [email protected] and our Team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please note: This Salon is pre-recorded and does not include access to Yolande. 
For further support, conversation, and integration -- click here to join Yolande in the 'Bauhauswife Birth Circle Community': a private community for women where Yolande personally leads several study sessions each month, on pregnancy, birth, birth-work, self-healing from the perspective of Hamer's Germanic Healing Framework, wild mothering, and so much more.